Review our helpful steps for how to prepare for the OUF ahead of time – this way, you can make the most of your time at the event.

Step 1: Sign up

Sign up for an OUEvents Pass so you can visit universities as soon as you get to the OUF. 

  • Your OUEvents Pass is a personalized QR code that allows you to instantly share your contact information with the universities that you’re interested in.
  • After the OUF, you will receive more personalized information about programs, events, scholarships and more from the universities who scanned your Pass.

Step 2: Plan how you will get to the OUF

  • We recommend you take public transit due to road construction projects and high pedestrian traffic in the area.
  • If you take public transit, check for any service updates and plan alternative routes if you need to.

Step 3: Prepare what to bring to get through security quickly

Note: You may leave and return throughout the OUF hours, but you will be re-checked at security when you return.

You can bring a reusable water bottle to the OUF. There are water bottle refill stations and water drinking fountains available on site.

What you should not bring to the OUF:

  • Valuables
  • Bags and backpacks
    • We will provide guests with bags to carry university materials.
  • Food, beverages or bottled water
    • You are not permitted to bring food, beverages or bottled water into the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).
    • There will be food available for purchase on site (payment is by debit and credit only).
    • There are several restaurants within a short distance from the MTCC.

Step 4: Decide which universities you want to connect with

  • Visit OUInfo to learn more about Ontario’s universities – like which universities offer the programs you’re interested in – to help you decide which universities you want to connect with at the event.
  • Prepare questions to ask.
  • Review the floor plan to find where the university booths will be located.

Step 5: Have your OUEvents Pass ready to go

Take your OUEvents Pass to the OUF on your mobile device or print it out on paper. When you are at the event, ask a university representative to scan your OUEvents Pass. The university will follow up with personalized information about their university.

Tip: Save your OUEvents Pass to the lock screen on your phone.


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