General FAQs (All Events)

In this section:

General Information (All Events)

What is the difference between the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF), the Ontario Universities’ Regional Fairs (Regional Fairs) and the virtual Ontario Universities’ Information Sessions (Information Sessions)?

The OUF and Regional Fairs are in-person events:

  • The OUF and Regional Fairs allow you to gather information and chat with representatives one on one. You can gather similar information at the OUF and Regional Fairs, and anyone may attend these events.
  • The OUF is one of the largest educational fairs in North America. It welcomes thousands of students and their supporters to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre over the 2-day event. Universities typically have a large number of staff you can speak with at the OUF, including university representatives, faculty and current students.
  • The Regional Fairs travel across Ontario in the fall. During these events, university representatives connect directly with hundreds of students and their supporters. Events are held at local high schools, universities and community venues. Regional Fairs are typically 1-3 hours long and each university has an exhibit table staffed by 1-2 representatives.

The Information Sessions are virtual events:

  • During university sessions, you can learn about the universities of your choice and ask questions.
  • There will be 1 event this spring (for students in Grade 11 and younger students).

Is there an admission fee for any of these events?

No, these events are free and anyone may attend.

Can I attend these events if I am not graduating this year?

Yes, anyone may attend. These events provide information primarily about undergraduate programs, so we encourage anyone looking for information about these programs to attend.

Will there be non-Ontario universities or colleges at these events?

No. Only Ontario universities will be at these events.

I can’t attend any of these events. How can I learn more about Ontario’s universities?

  • Select the universities you would like to receive information from by filling out the Connect with Ontario’s Universities form.
  • Many Ontario universities also offer their own in-person and virtual events and tours, webinars, chats and more. Visit Tours and Events on Ontario Universities’ Info (OUInfo) to find upcoming Ontario university offerings.
  • OUInfo is a great resource to learn more about the Ontario universities you’re interested in. Find and compare Ontario university programs, and research residences, scholarships, admission requirements and more.

OUEvents Pass (OUF and Regional Fairs)

I lost my QR code. Can you send it to me?

You can have your QR code re-sent to you by entering your email or mobile phone number on the StriveScan website.

How do I share my contact information with a university?

Ask a university representative to scan your OUEvents Pass.

What information do I need to provide to sign up for an OUEvents Pass?

You will need to provide your name and contact information and indicate whether you are a student, parent or supporter, guidance counsellor, etc.

Date of birth is required, unless you indicate you are a parent, guardian, supporter, guidance counsellor or other.

The registration form also asks you to indicate when you expect (or your student expects) to begin university.

How will my OUEvents Pass registration information be used?

Universities that scan your OUEvents Pass will send you information about their university.

For more information about how your information will be used, refer to the Privacy Statement provided as part of your OUEvents Pass.

Can I change my contact information after I sign up?

Yes. If you have already signed up, enter your email address or mobile phone number associated with your OUEvents Pass on the StriveScan website. You will receive a link to edit your profile.

Can I sign up someone else (e.g., my students, my child) for an OUEvents Pass on their behalf?

No. Individuals need to sign themselves up for privacy reasons.

Each person who signs up for an OUEvents Pass must agree to the Ontario Universities’ In-person Events Privacy Statement and Participant Declaration/Ontario Universities’ Information Sessions Privacy Statement and Participant Declaration as part of the registration process. You cannot agree to the terms in the declaration on someone else’s behalf.

If I signed up for an OUEvents Pass in a previous year, do I need to sign up again this year? Can I use the same OUEvents Pass again?

You will need to sign up again this year.

In accordance with our Privacy Statement, we do not keep registration data from one year to the next.

I already signed up for an OUEvents Pass. I would like to receive information from additional universities. What do I do?

After the event, you will get a Missed Connections email (regardless of if you went to the event or not). This email will give you the chance to connect with universities you are interested in but may not have had a chance to visit at the event.

Simply follow the instructions from the email you receive following the event.

Can I use my OUEvents Pass at the OUF and Regional Fairs?

Yes. Your OUEvents Pass can be used at both events.

Can I use my OUEvents Pass for the virtual Information Sessions?

No. You must sign up for the virtual Information Sessions separately.

Media Inquiries

Do the OUEvents allow media personnel to take photos or videos?

You must obtain permission for videotaping, filming or recording that is intended for commercial purposes. If you are seen taking photos or videos at an event without prior consent, you may be asked to leave the event.

Find out how to submit a media inquiry.

Top of Page


In this section:

General OUF Information

What is the difference between the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) and the Ontario Universities’ Regional Fairs (Regional Fairs)? Will universities provide the same information at the OUF and the Regional Fairs?

The OUF and Regional Fairs allow you to gather information and chat with representatives one on one. You can gather similar information at the OUF and Regional Fairs, and anyone may attend these events.

The OUF is one of the largest educational fairs in North America. It welcomes thousands of students and their supporters to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre over the 2-day event. Universities typically have a large number of staff you can speak with at the OUF, including university representatives, faculty and current students.

The Regional Fairs travel across Ontario in the fall. During these events, university representatives connect directly with hundreds of students and their supporters. Events are held at local high schools, universities and community venues. Regional Fairs are typically 1-3 hours long and each university has an exhibit table staffed by 1-2 representatives.

Does the OUF happen more than once a year?

No. The OUF is held only once each year in the fall.

Will there be non-Ontario universities or colleges at the OUF?

No. Only Ontario universities will be at the OUF.

Is there food available at the OUF?

Yes. There will be an on-site food court on Level 800 with food for sale and a seating area where you can eat. Food will also be available at the South Café on Level 700. Payment is accepted via debit and credit only.

You are not permitted to bring food, beverages or bottled water into the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).

You may bring reusable water bottles into the MTCC. There are water bottle refill stations where you can refill your bottle. Water drinking fountains are also available.

There are numerous external restaurants within a short distance. You may leave and return throughout the OUF hours, but you will be re-checked at security when you return. Refer to the Conditions of Admission and Participation for full details.

Can I bring a bag or backpack into the OUF?

Yes. However, bags and backpacks are subject to security searches, which will delay you at the entrance and may result in items being confiscated. Refer to the Conditions of Admission and Participation for full details.

To help ensure your belongings are safe, we recommend that you secure them and keep track of them during your visit.

Will there be a coat or bag check at the OUF? Are lockers available?

Coat and bag check are not available at the OUF. There are no public lockers at the event due to security reasons and those carrying a bag will be subject to inspection.

If you are staying at a hotel in Toronto but will arrive before check-in time, most hotels offer a baggage storage area where you can keep your bag until check-in time.

Will there be Wi-Fi available at the OUF?

Yes, Wi-Fi is available in areas around the Exhibit Hall (hallways, lobbies, etc.). Wi-Fi is not available in the Exhibit Hall.

How can I prepare for the OUF?

To make the most of the OUF, we suggest you:

  • Register for an OUEvents Pass so you can visit universities as soon as you get to the OUF. The OUEvents Pass is a QR code that you bring to the OUF on your mobile phone or on paper and scan at the university booths of your choice. It allows you to easily share your contact information with the universities that you’re interested in so they can send you more personalized information about their programs, events, scholarships and more.
  • Visit OUInfo before the event to learn more about Ontario’s universities – like which universities offer the programs you’re interested in – to help you decide which booths you want to visit.
  • Refer to the Exhibit Floor Plan to find where the university booths are that you are most interested in visiting.

Top of OUF FAQs

OUF Registration

Do I need to sign up for an OUEvents Pass to go to the OUF?

We strongly recommend that you sign up for an OUEvents Pass to:

  • learn about your university options,
  • connect with universities you are interested in, so they can send you personalized information,
  • receive advice on how to apply and pay for university and
  • stay on top of important deadlines.

Anyone can sign up for an OUEvents Pass, including students and their supporters (e.g., parents, guardians and guidance counsellors).

What is the OUEvents Pass?

The OUEvents Pass is a QR code just for you that you bring to the OUF on your mobile device and scan at the university booths of your choice. It allows you to learn more about your university options and connect with universities you are interested in so they can send you personalized information.

What do I do with my OUEvents Pass at the OUF?

Save your OUEvents Pass on your mobile device and bring it to the OUF. While you’re there, ask university representatives to scan it while you are visiting their booths.

Universities that scan your OUEvents Pass can then contact you directly with personalized information, advice on how to apply and pay for university, reminders for important deadlines, and information about their upcoming events.

Can I sign up for an OUEvents Pass at the OUF?

Yes, you can sign up on your mobile device at any time during the OUF. However, signing up in advance is the best option to ensure you’re ready for the OUF and to save time while you’re there.

Why should I sign up for an OUEvents Pass before the OUF?

There are many reasons to sign up before the OUF, including to:

  • Save time while you’re at the event.
  • Receive a reminder email before the OUF.
  • Avoid any last-minute web traffic on the OUEvents Pass registration website.

I signed up for an OUEvents Pass. Do I need to sign up for specific university booths?

No. Your OUEvents Pass will work at all university booths.

Does my parent, guardian or supporter need to sign up for an OUEvents Pass to attend the OUF with me?

No. They do not need to sign up unless they also want to receive information from the universities.

Top of OUF FAQs

OUF Admission

What is the admission cost for the OUF?

There is no cost to attend the OUF.

I can’t attend the OUF. How can I learn more about Ontario’s universities?

You can learn about Ontario’s universities in several ways:

  • Ontario’s universities are travelling across the province for the Regional Fairs, offering fair-style events. Learn about programs, campus life and anything else that may help you decide which Ontario university to choose.
  • Ontario’s universities are hosting the virtual Information Sessions. Each event is divided into 4 time slots, where you can learn about the universities of your choice and ask questions.
  • Select the universities you would like to receive information from by filling out the Connect with Ontario’s Universities form.
  • Many Ontario universities also offer their own in-person and virtual events and tours, webinars, chats and more. Visit Tours and Events on Ontario Universities’ Info (OUInfo) to find upcoming Ontario university offerings.
  • OUInfo is a great resource to learn more about the Ontario universities you’re interested in. Find and compare Ontario university programs, and research residences, scholarships, admission requirements and more.

Do I have to stay for the full day or can I come and go any time?

You are free to come and go as you please throughout the OUF weekend. You will be re-checked at security if you return.

Can I attend the OUF if I am not graduating high school this year?

Yes. You can attend if you’re thinking about applying to an Ontario university, even if you’re not currently in Grade 12.

Can I attend the OUF if I live outside of Ontario?

Yes, the OUF is open to anyone who is interested in attending an Ontario university.

I am an international student and want to attend the OUF, but I need an invitation from you to apply for a visa. Can you send me an official invitation?

Unfortunately, we cannot provide invitation letters for the OUF. The OUF is a free public event, and anyone is welcome to attend; for this reason, we do not send out formal invitations.

Top of OUF FAQs

What Kind of Information is Available at the OUF?

Will there be university presentations at this year’s OUF?

No. If you are interested in university presentations, we encourage you to attend the virtual Information Sessions.

Will the OUF have information about financial aid?

You can speak with university representatives directly at the OUF about the financial aid options offered at their university. The information available at the OUF may vary by university. You may also speak with representatives from the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to find out more about financial aid from the Ontario provincial government.

Will the OUF have information for a student who decided to take a gap year?

The OUF provides information primarily about undergraduate programs, so it is a useful resource for gap year students who are interested in those programs.

Will the OUF have information for mature students?

The OUF provides information primarily about undergraduate programs, so it is a useful resource for mature students who are interested in those programs.

Will there be information about graduate or professional studies (e.g., teacher education, medical school) at the OUF?

The OUF is geared toward high school students and mainly provides information about undergraduate programs.

Some universities may choose to also provide information about graduate and/or professional programs. University representatives will usually be able to answer general questions about graduate studies.

Will the OUF have information for Indigenous students?

Yes. Check out the Aboriginal Post-Secondary Information Program (APSIP) at their booth in the Exhibit Hall to connect with Indigenous recruiters and discover your opportunities.

Top of OUF FAQs

Accessibility and Other Services at the OUF

How do I request an accommodation for accessibility needs?

If you are attending the OUF and have accessibility needs, fill out the OUEvents Accessibility Request Form.

Find information about accessibility at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre for the OUF.

If you have questions, email OUEvents Accessibility.

Are there wheelchairs available at the OUF?

Yes. Wheelchairs are available free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit a Guest Services Agent on Level 500 in the South Building or in the main lobby (Level 200) of the North Building. You will need to provide 1 piece of identification.

Can I bring my service animal to the OUF?

Yes, service animals are permitted. Animals should be easily identified as service animals. You are responsible for the care and control of your animal at all times in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).

Are there sign language interpreters at the OUF?

There will be 3 American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters at the OUF.

If you require the help of an ASL interpreter, we recommend submitting a request through the OUEvents Accessibility Request Form ahead of time. This will secure your time and help us prepare for your visit.

Sign language interpreters for other languages (e.g., langue des signes Québécoise [LSQ]) may be available upon request.

Submit your request for an interpreter well in advance of the event to allow enough time for us to arrange for an interpreter for you.

Is there a multi-faith space at the OUF?

Yes. There is a multi-faith space in Room 803A. This space is open to everyone during OUF hours regardless of faith, religion, gender, etc.

Are there gender-neutral washrooms at the OUF?

Yes. There are 2 single-stall gender-neutral (and accessible) washrooms on the 800 level in the South Building. One is located by the elevator and the other is across from the Exhibit Hall exit (Hall D).

Top of OUF FAQs

OUF and the Media

Does the OUF allow media personnel to take photos or videos?

You are welcome to attend the OUF, as it is open to the public; however, the OUF has strict media guidelines. You must obtain permission for videotaping, filming or recording that is intended for commercial purposes. If you are seen taking photos or videos at the OUF without prior consent, you may be asked to leave the event.

Once your media inquiry is approved, you must wear your press pass for the duration of the event.

Can I distribute materials?

The OUF does not allow anyone other than registered exhibitors (universities and partners) to hand out materials at their booths. If you are found handing out materials to OUF attendees anywhere within the OUF grounds, you will be asked to remove them from the event or discard them in the bins provided.

Top of OUF FAQs

Regional Fairs FAQs

In this section:

General Information About Regional Fairs

What is the difference between the Ontario Universities’ Fair (OUF) and the Ontario Universities’ Regional Fairs (Regional Fairs)? Will universities provide the same information at the OUF and the Regional Fairs?

The OUF and Regional Fairs allow you to gather information and chat with representatives one on one. You can gather similar information at the OUF and Regional Fairs, and anyone may attend these events.

The OUF is one of the largest educational fairs in North America. It welcomes thousands of students and their supporters to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre over the 2-day event. Universities typically have a large number of staff you can speak with at the OUF, including university representatives, faculty and current students.

The Regional Fairs travel across Ontario in the fall. During these events, university representatives connect directly with hundreds of students and their supporters. Events are held at local high schools, universities and community venues. Regional Fairs are typically 1-3 hours long and each university has an exhibit table staffed by 1-2 representatives.

Will there be non-Ontario universities or colleges at the Regional Fairs?

No. Only Ontario universities will be at the Regional Fairs.

Which universities will be at the Regional Fairs?

Visit the Regional Fairs event page to see a listing of which universities will be there.

How can I prepare for the Regional Fairs?

To make the most of your visit to a Regional Fair, we suggest you visit OUInfo before the event to learn more about Ontario’s universities – like which universities offer the programs you’re interested in – to help you decide which university you are most interested in.

Top of Regional Fairs FAQs

Regional Fairs Registration

Do I need to sign up for an OUEvents Pass to go to a Regional Fair?

We encourage you to sign up for an OUEvents Pass to:

  • learn about your university options,
  • connect with universities you are interested in, so they can send you personalized information,
  • receive advice on how to apply and pay for university and
  • stay on top of important deadlines.

Signing up for an OUEvents Pass also helps the universities improve their programs and services to serve you better.

What is the OUEvents Pass?

The OUEvents Pass is a QR code just for you that you bring to the Regional Fairs on your mobile phone device and scan at the university tables of your choice. It allows you to learn more about your university options and connect with universities you are interested in so they can send you personalized information.

What do I do with my OUEvents Pass at the Regional Fairs?

Save your OUEvents Pass on your mobile device and bring it to the Regional Fair you are attending. While you’re there, ask university representatives to scan it while you are visiting their tables.

Universities that scan your OUEvents Pass can then contact you directly with personalized information, advice on how to apply and pay for university, reminders for important deadlines, and information about their upcoming events.

Can I sign up for an OUEvents Pass at a Regional Fair?

Yes, you can sign up on your mobile device at any time during the Regional Fair. However, signing up before the event is the best option to ensure you’re ready and to save time while you’re there. Signing up before the event also helps universities plan and be better prepared for the event.

Why should I sign up for an OUEvents Pass before the Regional Fair I am attending?

There are many reasons to sign up before the event, including to:

  • Save time while you’re at the event.
  • Receive a reminder email before the event.
  • Avoid any last-minute web traffic on the OUEvents Pass registration website.

Signing up before the event also helps universities plan and be better prepared for the event.

Does my parent, guardian or supporter need to sign up for an OUEvents Pass to attend a Regional Fair with me?

No. They do not need to sign up unless they also want to receive information from the universities.

I am a guidance counsellor or a teacher. Can I sign up my students for an OUEvents Pass on their behalf?

No. Students need to sign themselves up for privacy reasons.

Each person who signs up for an OUEvents Pass must agree to the Ontario Universities’ In-person Events Privacy Statement and Participant Declaration as part of the registration process. You cannot agree to the terms in the declaration on someone else’s behalf.

Top of Regional Fairs FAQs

Regional Fairs Admission

What is the admission cost for the Regional Fairs?

There is no cost to attend the Regional Fairs.

I can’t attend the Regional Fairs. How can I learn more about Ontario’s universities?

You can learn about Ontario’s universities in several ways:

  • Attend the OUF at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC).
  • Ontario’s universities are hosting the virtual Information Sessions. Each event is divided into 4 time slots, where you can learn about the universities of your choice and ask questions.
  • Select the universities you would like to receive information from by filling out the Connect with Ontario’s Universities form.
  • Many Ontario universities also offer their own in-person and virtual events and tours, webinars, chats and more. Visit Tours and Events on Ontario Universities’ Info (OUInfo) to find upcoming Ontario university offerings.
  • OUInfo is a great resource to learn more about the Ontario universities you’re interested in. Find and compare Ontario university programs, and research residences, scholarships, admission requirements and more.

Can I attend the Regional Fairs if I am not graduating high school this year?

Yes. You can attend if you’re thinking about applying to an Ontario university, even if you’re not currently in Grade 12.

Top of Regional Fairs FAQs

What Kind of Information is Available at Regional Fairs?

Will there be university presentations at the Regional Fairs?

No. If you are interested in university presentations, we encourage you to attend the virtual Information Sessions.

Will the Regional Fairs have information about financial aid?

You can speak with university representatives directly at the Regional Fairs about the financial aid options offered at their university. The information available at the events may vary by university.

Will the Regional Fairs have information for a student who decided to take a gap year?

The Regional Fairs provide information primarily about undergraduate programs, so it is a useful resource for gap year students who are interested in those programs.

Will the Regional Fairs have information for mature students?

The Regional Fairs provide information primarily about undergraduate programs, so it is a useful resource for mature students who are interested in those programs.

Will there be information about graduate or professional studies (e.g., teacher education, medical school) at the Regional Fairs?

The Regional Fairs are geared toward high school students and mainly provide information about undergraduate programs.

Some universities may choose to also provide information about graduate and/or professional programs. University representatives will usually be able to answer general questions about graduate studies.

Will the Regional Fairs have information for Indigenous students?

No. The Aboriginal Post-Secondary Information Program (APSIP) is travelling across Ontario in the fall (separately from the Regional Fairs). APSIP will deliver separate in-person events where you can connect with Indigenous recruiters.

You can also connect with Indigenous recruiters at the OUF and virtual Information Sessions.

Accessibility for Regional Fairs

How do I request an accommodation for accessibility needs?

If you are attending the Regional Fairs and have accessibility needs, fill out the OUEvents Accessibility Request Form.

If you have questions, email OUEvents Accessibility.

Top of Regional Fairs FAQs

Virtual Information Sessions FAQs

In this section:

General Information About Virtual Information Sessions

How many events are there?

There will be 1 virtual event this spring for Grade 11 and younger students. Join us on Thursday, May 22, 2025, 5-7 pm (ET) to explore your university options ahead of Grade 12. Registration will be available in early April.

How many sessions will each university offer and how long will each session be?

Each university will offer four 30-minute sessions during each virtual event.

Will the universities provide the same information at each session and at every virtual event?

It depends on the university. Refer to the Information Sessions virtual event schedule to find out what each university plans to offer during their session.

How do I find a schedule of the sessions?

The schedule is available on the Information Sessions virtual event page. The full schedule is usually posted a few weeks before the event.

How do I choose which university sessions to attend?

  • Visit OUInfo to learn more about Ontario’s universities – like which universities offer the programs you’re interested in – to help you decide which sessions you want to attend.
  • Refer to the Information Sessions virtual event schedule to find out what each university plans to offer during their session.

What if I want to attend more than 4 university sessions?

The Information Sessions virtual event will have 4 time slots during which you can attend a university session.

We recommend attending 1 university session per time slot, which means you can attend up to 4 sessions.

For more opportunities to connect with Ontario universities, you can:

How can I prepare for the virtual Information Sessions?

To make the most of the virtual Information Sessions, we suggest you:

  • Refer to the Information Sessions virtual event schedule to find out what each university plans to offer during their session and plan your time wisely.
  • Visit OUInfo before the event to learn more about Ontario’s universities – like which universities offer the programs you’re interested in – to help you decide which sessions you want to attend.

How do I ask university representatives questions?

University representatives will advise you on how to ask questions during their sessions.

You may also contact each university by clicking the “Contact” button within their showcase.

Will the presentations be recorded?

Presentations will not be recorded. We encourage you to check university websites to view their on-demand content and recorded presentations.

Will any non-Ontario universities or colleges participate in these events?

No. Only Ontario universities will participate in these events.

I would like to receive information from the universities. How do I share my contact information with them?

To receive information from the universities you are interested in, click the “I want to receive information from this university” button in each university showcase.

You can also select the universities you would like to receive information from by filling out the Connect with Ontario’s Universities form.

I already submitted the Connect with Ontario’s Universities form. I would like to receive information from additional universities. What do I do?

Go to the additional universities’ showcases that you would like to receive information from and click the “I want to receive information from this university” button.

You can also select the additional universities you would like to receive information from by filling out and re-submitting the Connect with Ontario’s Universities form.

Top of Virtual Information Sessions FAQs

Virtual Information Sessions Registration

Do I need to sign up before the event?

Yes. To receive access to the event website and live university presentations, you need to sign up before the event.

After signing up, you will be emailed an event link that’s unique to you. Your event link allows you to share the contact information you provided during registration with the universities you are interested in once you are on the event website. For this reason, we recommend that you do not share your event link with anyone.

You will also receive information event reminders for the virtual Information Sessions

Does my parent, guardian or supporter need to sign up?

Your parent, guardian or supporter must sign up for the Information Sessions virtual event if they would like their own unique access to the event website.

Can I use my OUEvents Pass from the OUF and Regional Fairs at the virtual Information Sessions?

No. Your OUEvents Pass can only be used at the OUF and Regional Fairs. You must sign up separately for the Information Sessions virtual event.

Can I sign up someone else (e.g., my students, my child) for the virtual Information Sessions on their behalf?

No. Individuals need to sign themselves up for privacy reasons.

Each person who signs up for the Information Sessions virtual event must agree to the Ontario Universities’ Information Sessions Privacy Statement and Participant Declaration as part of the registration process. You cannot agree to the terms in the declaration on someone else’s behalf.

Top of Virtual Information Sessions FAQs

Virtual Information Sessions Attendance

Is there a fee to attend?

No. The events are free.

I can’t attend any of the live events. How can I learn more about Ontario’s universities?

You can learn more about Ontario’s universities in several ways:

  • Ontario universities will travel across the province for the Regional Fairs, offering fair-style events that allow you to gather information about Ontario’s universities. Learn about programs, campus life and anything else that may help you decide which Ontario university to choose.
  • Connect with Ontario’s universities at the OUF in Toronto. The OUF allows you to gather information and chat with representatives from Ontario’s universities one-on-one.
  • Select the universities you would like to receive information from by filling out Connect with Ontario’s Universities form.
  • Many Ontario universities also offer their own in-person and virtual events and tours, webinars, chats and more. To find upcoming university offerings, visit the Tours and Events section on the Ontario Universities’ Info (OUInfo) website.
  • OUInfo is a great resource to learn more about the Ontario universities you’re interested in. Find and compare Ontario university programs, and research residences, scholarships, admission requirements and more.

Do I have to attend for the full 2 hours, or can I join university sessions and leave any time?

You are free to come and go as you please. Keep in mind that there will be four 30-minute sessions that will start on the hour and half hour. We encourage you to join the sessions promptly when they start so you can watch the full presentations.

Can my parents/guardians/supporters watch the sessions?

Yes. Anyone is welcome to watch.

Can I attend the virtual Information Sessions if I am not graduating high school this year?

Yes. The spring virtual event is designed for Grade 11 and younger students, and their supporters, who are beginning their university research.

Can I attend the virtual Information Sessions if I live outside of Ontario?

Yes, these events are open to anyone who is interested in attending an Ontario university.

Top of Virtual Information Sessions FAQs

What Kind of Information is Available at the Virtual Information Sessions?

Will there be information about graduate or professional studies (e.g., teacher education, medical school) at the virtual Information Sessions?

The virtual Information Sessions are geared toward high school students and mainly provide information about undergraduate programs. The spring virtual event is designed for Grade 11 and younger students, and their supporters, who are beginning their university research.

Some universities may choose to also provide information about graduate and/or professional programs. University representatives will usually be able to answer general questions about graduate studies.

Will the virtual Information Sessions have information for mature students?

The virtual Information Sessions will provide information primarily designed for Grade 11 and younger students, and their supporters, who are beginning their university research, so they may not be a useful resource for mature students.

If you are a current Ontario university applicant, the universities cannot answer questions regarding current application statuses at the spring event.

Will the virtual Information Sessions have information for a student who decided to take a gap year?

The virtual Information Sessions will provide information primarily designed for Grade 11 and younger students, and their supporters, who are beginning their university research, so they may not be a useful resource for gap year students.

Will the virtual Information Sessions have information about financial aid?

You can speak with university representatives directly during their sessions about the financial aid options offered at their university. The information available at the virtual Information Sessions may vary by university.

Top of Virtual Information Sessions FAQs

Technology and How to Connect to the Virtual Information Sessions

What device do I need to watch the university sessions?

For the best experience, we recommend you use a desktop or laptop computer. You may also use a smartphone or tablet.

Does my camera need to be on? Will I be visible?

No. Your camera does not need to be on. As long as your camera is not on, you will not be visible.

What platform(s) will the universities use to host their sessions?

The universities will choose their own platform, but will most likely use Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Where do I go to connect to the virtual Information Sessions events?

You must sign up for the virtual Information Sessions to access the event website. Click the event link in the confirmation email you received after signing up to connect to the virtual Information Sessions. We will also send you event reminders that contain a link to the event website.

The link to the university session I want to join is not working. What do I do?

If a session link is not working, we encourage you to join another session from another university. You may also wait a few minutes and try joining the session again. Sometimes universities experience technical difficulties with their sessions that are quickly resolved.

If you are unable to attend a session for your desired university, please reach out to them directly with your questions using the contact information they have provided in their showcase.

Universities also offer their own virtual events and tours, webinars, chats and more. To see upcoming university virtual offerings, visit the Tours and Events section of the Ontario Universities’ Info website.

I’m having difficulty joining a session on Microsoft Teams. What do I do?

If you are using the Microsoft Teams application on a computer, try opening the link in a web browser instead of the computer application.

If you are using a mobile phone, try using a computer or tablet instead.

Top of Virtual Information Sessions FAQs

Accessibility at the Virtual Information Sessions

How do I request an accommodation for accessibility needs?

If you are attending the virtual Information Sessions and have accessibility needs, fill out the OUEvents Accessibility Request Form.

If you have questions, email OUEvents Accessibility.

Top of Virtual Information Sessions FAQs


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