Rules and Conditions

To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all guests, the following rules apply as conditions of admission to, and participation in, the OUF:

  • Prior to entry, all bags and backpacks will be subject to inspection by security personnel, and all guests will be required to pass through a standard metal screening process.
  • Certain articles will not be allowed into the OUF, including (but not limited to): Items perceived as sharp (knives, razors, corkscrews, scissors, etc.), weapons of any kind (including toy replicas), martial arts devices, illegal substances, food, beverages, bottled water, alcohol, Kubaton key chains, aerosol sprays, flares, signs, banners, flags and any other items deemed inappropriate by police and security services on duty.
  • Visitors carrying inappropriate articles or any other item deemed disruptive to the event must return them to their vehicles or discard them in the bins provided at the entrance prior to entry.
  • Visitors who do not agree to a bag inspection and screening process or who refuse to discard inappropriate items will not be allowed to enter the OUF.
  • Visitors who engage in any disruptive behaviour will be denied entry or will be required to leave the OUF.
  • Guests who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be denied entry or will be required to leave the OUF.
  • No smoking. This includes cannabis and the use of electronic cigarettes (i.e., vapes).

Note: To speed entry into the OUF, we recommend that guests leave bags and backpacks at home. A reusable bag will be provided for the purpose of bringing home printed materials.

Photography/Videography at the OUF

By entering the OUF, you give the OUF and its representatives permission to use, exhibit, display, reproduce, televise, broadcast, print or distribute, for any lawful purpose, through any media and without limitation or notice, any photographic or video images taken at this event.

Media and Material Distribution Guidelines

You are welcome to attend the OUF, as it is open to the public; however, the OUF has strict media and material distribution guidelines. If you are seen taking photos or videos at the OUF without prior consent, you may be asked to leave the event.

If you represent a media outlet and you wish to cover the OUF, you must submit a media request through the Media Inquiry Form.

The OUF does not allow anyone other than registered exhibitors (universities and partners) to hand out materials at their booths. If you are found handing out materials to OUF attendees anywhere within the OUF grounds, you will be asked to remove them from the event or discard them in the bins provided.

Direct any questions to:

Thank you for your cooperation. We hope you enjoy the OUF!


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